Saturday, January 7, 2012


Welcome all to Saby's 2 Cents!

I like to live life, and in the process I tend to discover great restaurants, make- up, clothing designers, and basically just cool junk.  Don't get me wrong I have no problem ripping into things that suck and I am more than happy to share these things with you.  You may get something out of this today, you may not...No worries! I'm here to share!

So today was a beautiful day in Soho NYC, perfect for brunch and just walking around shopping.  I had my first experience with a clothing store called Ariztia NYC.  A pal o' mine was just so pumped up to go there so we went to check it out.  First off..... REALLY?.....this place was all about a sale meanwhile, the clothing there was ridiculously too high priced for a "Sale".  A sheer blouse that looked like a potato sack was $115 bucks!  I would not pay more than $25. There also happened to be signs posted everywhere that all sale items are final! that sucked, it was a bit of a turn off... The clothing there was not bells and whistles.  The styles happen to be loose, flowing, sheer, and shift type garbs. That's great if you wanted to look like a shapeless old fart (I'm apologizing in advance to my friend that bought stuff there today, she happened to get something normal).  I noticed they had catalogues on the little waiting tables by the fitting rooms to show how some of the clothing was featured in popular magazines.  Nice advertising or a bit to presumptuous?  I saw some the items listed, for example there was a camisole. It was displayed in a popular fashion magazine along side other camisoles that were prettier and frankly cheaper.  I will say that I did see a couple of nice blouses here and there, but they did not have the power to make me want to go try shit on, forget about going into my wallet!  I saw they carried Citizens of Humanity brand jeans (which I happen to own quite a few pairs of.. ), priced at $175 an up and that's normal for that brand, it just didn't seem like the jeans fit in that store.  I happen like designer things like that but since the store itself just didn't do it for me, I had to walk away!

So in a nutshell folks... I didn't see the fascination with this store, maybe they should lower the prices and get more fitted things.  Until next time....

Saby Out.

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